Beyond the network: human connections
We believe in the value of relationships. This is not only meant to be an exchange of services, information or visions. Nor is it a simple synonym for networking, but rather a deep concept which transcends mere economic or commercial relations.
To us, relationships are authentic and lasting human bonds. A mutual choice between us at MULTI and the people we meet. They are the result of a profound connection based on trust, integrity and mutual commitment.
What we have created over 30 years is a true ecosystem of relationships on different scales - local, provincial, national and international - which we have been nurturing through valuable projects and uninterrupted contaminations.
Relations with institutions, bodies and associations, supply chains and consortia, universities and innovation centres, partners and specialised professionals. Not forgetting the MULTI community, made up of personal acquaintances, alumni, interns and occasional collaborators: connections which define and represent us all over the world.

Over the years, MULTI has forged relationships with a variety of entities, establishing itself as a specialised player at leading national and international institutions. At the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) for the provision of services related to 'Voucher Digital Export'. At the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy (MIMIT, formerly MISE) on the Innovation Managers list. Furthermore, MULTI is registered in the supplier list of Unioncamere Lombardia for Industry 4.0 Services and Technologies.
We design and coordinate interventions aimed at groups of companies on behalf of organisations and associations, to foster internationalisation and business development in new markets. We support SMEs in participating in dedicated calls for tenders and funding; we develop specific activities within our areas of competence and interest for the entities we work with.
Our project capacity has also led to the design, prototyping and implementation of projects dedicated to companies relying on a supply chain, manufacturing district or territorial marketing perspective, with which we develop tailor-made growth and enhancement paths.

Trade assiociations
→ Confindustria (territoriali e di settore)
→ Confartigianato
→ Assolombarda
→ Confcooperative
→ Federchimica
Supply chains and consortia
→ Gelatieri Bergamaschi
Public and private bodies and institutions
→ SACE Simest
→ Unioncamere
→ Camere di Commercio
→ Regioni
→ Promos
Universities and innovation hubs
→ Kilometro Rosso
→ Como Next
→ Università degli Studi di Bergamo
→ Alma Mater Studiorum di Bologna